Gender Services

Transcending Boundaries, Creating Change


Resources on gender

Information and organisations that help promote support and understanding on matters of gender

Transaid Cmyru

Help for the community, by the community

Cervical Screening

For those asigned female at birth who may still have their womb

Welsh Gender Service

Information on support available in Wales

Terence Higins Trust

Help for trans and non-binary people. This one is a highly recommended read as they have loads of links to other trans/lgbt resources.


Support for trans and gender-diverse children, young people and their families

Gendered intelligence

Supporting young people.


Stonewall is an organization that advocates for the rights and equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and ace (LGBTQ+) individuals. Their mission is to create a world where all LGBTQ+ people can freely express themselves and live their lives to the fullest. There’s a Welsh Stonewall too.

Mental Health Support

Mindline Trans

Mindline Trans+ is a confidential emotional and mental health support helpline, as well as a signposting service. The service offers a safe space to talk about feelings and distress, providing non-judgmental support and information on mental health and local services. Mindline Trans+ operates 24/7, ensuring that callers receive a listening ear whenever they need it.